Employee Self Service Portal for Empowering the Workforce

Allow your workforce to store and access varied information through the employee self-service portal, which helps create a transparent working environment.

factoHR Employee Self Service Portal ESS

Employee Self-Service Portal for Empowering the Workforce

Allow your workforce to store and access varied information through the employee self-service portal, which helps create a transparent working environment

Reduces HR Burden

factoHR’s ESS portal allows employees to correct attendance, apply for leave, view payroll information, and many more without contacting HR, thus reducing their burden for the same tasks.

Increase Engagement

Authorize employees to access most of the ordinary tasks themselves without involving HR, which motivates and engages them with the organization.

GST Compliance

factoHR’s ESS portal gives HR and employees an opportunity to save time efficiently as most of the tasks can be completed by workers via the portal.

ESS Feature - Mood Analysis

Mood Analysis

factoHR gives you the option to analyze your employees’ moods before implementing an interactive working environment.

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CEO Speak - Employee Self Service Portal feature

CEO Speaks

CEOs can now deliver all their important messages around the office to every employee directly from their portal.

HR Announcement - use factoHR Software to go Digital

HR Announcement

factoHR makes it possible for HR to share regular announcements with the employees in a single space.

Improve Your Employee Trust With factoHR Today

Birthday and anniversary greetings - ESS feature

Birthday and Anniversary Greetings

With factoHR, share employees’ birthdays and work anniversary events with their peers and make them feel special on their special day.

Document sharing made easy by factoHR software - policies, training, updates

Document Sharing

Share varied documents related to policies, training, updates, etc., with the employees, which they can download whenever needed.

Attendance punches from the factoHR software

Online Punch

Let your employees mark their attendance with the software, helping you to organize a hygienic environment.

Investment Declaration Attachment - It Declaration

Investment Declaration (Proof Attachment)

Employees can now easily and quickly upload their investment declaration attachment without asking HR to do so, thus saving enough time.

Download Payslips in factoHR software


Employees can view and download payslips with multilingual support and other salary-related information at their convenience.

Employee Leave and Balances


It is now easy for employees to apply for leave from distinct leave types along with required attachments through the portal without asking HR and managers for the same.

Travel Application Portal

Travel Application

Employees can generate travel applications mentioning the date, mode, and purpose of travel, along with advance requests, through the web portal, helping organizations go paperless.

Expense Dashboard

Expense Submission

Allow employees to submit expense claims for any amount along with proof attachments after their travel journey, which can then be considered for approval.

Performance Management Dashboard - OKRs, feedback, reviews

Performance Management

Employees can enter their OKRs, submit their reviews, check managers’ feedback based on the goals, and download performance review reports.

factoHR’s Attendance Regularization

Attendance Regularization

Organizations can allow their staff to regularize missed punches from the attendance module, which managers can approve or reject and consider for salary processing.

Reporting feature to go Digital


Various reports, including payslips, IT statements, attendance and leave summaries, and performance reviews, can be downloaded to reduce the manual effort of preparing spreadsheets.

Employees Survey on factoHR software


Enhance engagement by collecting real-time feedback from employees. factoHR’s ESS portal enables employees to submit their responses to surveys organized by the HR team to optimize decision-making.



Employees can accept or decline the acknowledgements shared by HR with factoHR’s ESS portal. It helps HR ensure that each employee is certain about the updates in important documents or policies.

Employee feedback and goals

Continuous Feedback

factoHR’s ESS portal helps enhance overall employee growth and build strong relationships among employees. It helps employees give and view performance feedback from their managers and peers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Employee Self Service

What Is an Employee Self-Service Portal?

Employee self-service portal is specifically designed to assist employees to perform their organizational duty, engage with other employee and access their relevant information by themself. With self service portal employees can perform many tasks like, view and update their HR information, download payslip and IT statements, correct attendance, apply for leave and many more from one place. Offering self-service portal to employees gives them gateway into HR systems, Payroll, attendance management system, leave management system, etc. to reduce burden on HR.

What Are the Features of an ESS Portal?

Specifically designed to empower the workforce of every organization with the use of a web-based application, the Employee Self Service portal has diverse features, which includes the following:

  • Allow employees to enter, update, and access all the personal information stored in the company records.
  • Enable attendance correction, leave and travel application, claim request, etc., for employees.
  • Facilitates them in downloading payslips, IT statements, various forms, and reports.
  • Enable attendance punch, information sharing, and many other tasks.

How ESS Portal Benefits the Organizations?

ESS portal empowers the workforce to manage most of the common activities themselves with unique login credentials for each employee. This makes the HR’s plate free from some of the repetitive tasks. Here are the benefits offered to an organization:

  • Increased efficiency for the operational tasks.
  • Empowered workforce.
  • Improved productivity of the organizational environment.
  • Enhanced employee trust, morals, and engagement amongst each other.
  • Increased information transparency.
  • Decreased usage of papers in the premises.
  • Tightened information security.
  • Simplified tasks in the organization.
  • Reduced monotonous tasks.

How Much Does an ESS Portal Cost?

The price range for an employee self-service portal is around ₹ 10 per month per employee. This amount may differ from vendor to vendor and feature to feature. Most of the workforce management software sellers include ESS portals in their packages but may or may not sell separately.

Is My Information Safe on the Portal?

I would say it is absolutely secure. The ESS portal which organizations use includes a cloud storage facility with separate login credentials for as many users as you want. This cloud storage is assured using high standards of security. As the access to the data is limited to the users, a data breach cannot happen unless certainly if the credentials are shared.

That said, no outsiders (not even colleagues) can access the data of employees.

How Does Employee Self-Service Satisfy the Business Demands?

Businesses always want their employees to perform perfectly. The implementation of the ESS portal for the employees offers them a sense of trust and motivation, which helps them in achieving their goals which are aligned to the business targets. All the features of ESS boost employees to complete tasks themselves without asking HR. As they are not dependent on somebody, it saves enough time which they can use to power their and organization’s productivity.

Enhance Your Workforce’s Productivity With factoHR Today

Make your employees independent and trustworthy with factoHR’s ESS portal and boost them to work encouragingly for the firm.

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