Subordinate: Meaning & Definition

In all organizations, a structured hierarchy within the workplace helps establish a team structure whereby various employees perform different functions toward achieving common objectives. The core portion of this hierarchy comprises subordinates who play a critical role in making an organization successful.

A strong team of Deputies can enable an organization to achieve its goals and sustain its success, preventing stagnation and degeneration. Therefore, this blog will elaborate on the importance of deputies, their primary duties, and the skills one should possess to carry out these roles effectively.

What Are Subordinate?

Employees work under the supervision of their superiors and are tasked with specific responsibilities and duties. They are accountable for the quality and productivity of their work and are expected to adhere to company policies. Employees may work in various departments such as operations, marketing, finance, or human resources. Supervisors provide support, coaching, and mentorship based on performance evaluations to help employees improve their skills and meet their goals. Establishing good working relationships between employees and their supervisors is essential, and this requires effective communication, clear expectations, and constructive feedback.

Key Responsibilities of Subordinate

In the role of subordinate, employees are liable for the following:

Task Implementation

Executing the tasks and projects instructed by superiors precisely, ensuring they meet deadlines.


Regular reports and updates concerning progress or performance levels should be available to their seniors.


Collaborating with other staff members to achieve common objectives and goals.

Continuous Improvement

Identifying lapses that require improvement and taking measures aimed at enhancing efficiency


Accepting personal responsibility for both mistakes committed and achievements earned.

Subordinate-Superior Relationship

They need to understand their superiors well enough. Only if there's good communication between them will there be room for effective performance feedback and collaboration. If superiors talk to their deputies openly, it facilitates clarifying instructions, giving feedback, and building trust.

So, communication is the most critical aspect of performance improvement and growth. Deputies with this comfort level often go ahead with questions or concerns, which will likely come back through guidance and support, making them excel in their roles. Likewise, when superiors offer regular feedback and advice, they better understand what is expected of them and how to enhance their performance.

Skills for Effective Subordinate

To excel in this role, the following skills are needed:


Noticing things that need fixing at work, analyzing their core problems, and fixing them.


Constantly adapt and upskill while enhancing and following up with your work.

Active Listening

Pay attention when receiving information or advice from a higher authority or co-worker.

Emotional Intelligence

Knowing how to handle feelings and those of colleagues/friends and clients.

Time Management

Make sure to do some things beforehand to finish everything on time.


Engaging with fellow employees, consumers, and the superior authorities in meaningful conversations.

Overcoming Challenges as a Subordinate

It is important to remember that any worker under the supervision of a superior should be aware of how difficult it is to handle things like uninformed directions, clashing with colleagues, and trying to achieve the proper equilibrium between work and personal life. For this reason, they could use conflict resolution strategies based on open discussion or negotiation techniques. They must also search for ways to advance their careers by taking up more duties or seeking formal training programs. The last but not least crucial point is task prioritization and timeframe management to avoid missing deadlines while producing excellent work.


Therefore, achieving organizational objectives is a significant duty for subordinates who report to higher-ranking positions. This contribution can only be effective if personnel understand their roles in detail. They must also have the necessary skills and build strong relationships with their superiors. This is a way for the Deputies to contribute to their teams' success and shape their career paths.

Frequently Asked Questions

By What Means Can Subordinate Successfully Organize Their Functions and Obligations?

They can manage their workload effectively by determining the order of priority, setting achievable targets within a specific timeline, and talking to their employers about any challenges or constraints they face.

What Do Deputies Do if They Disagree with Their Superior’s Decision?

While it is vital to be respectful and constructively critical, deputies must be ready for a discussion and clarify the reasoning behind such decisions to show enough respect for their bosses.

What Should Deputies Do if They Feel Overwhelmed or Stressed in Their Role?

They must address these worries with their bosses, seek assistance from peers or the HR department, and research stress management basics like time control skills and self-care activities.

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