Relieving Letter Format: Free Samples & Templates

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When an employee wishes to quit a firm, the organization sends them a formal letter, known as a relieving letter, to initiate the termination process. The employer must comprehend the purpose of this letter and its numerous components to ensure the employee’s success in all future endeavors and the company’s compliance with legal standards.
Consider these letters as a professional permit for departing employees. They validate their experience, showcase their skills, and send them off favorably for their next opportunity. Employers use them as a reference point, ensuring a smooth transfer for all parties involved.
This article explains the meaning of relieving letters and their standard format, why they are vital, lists actions to prepare your letter, and provides a template, example, and commonly asked questions for reference.
What is a Relieving Letter?
A relieving letter is an official document given to employees when they leave a company. It confirms that the employee has completed their duties and has no outstanding issues. This letter, printed on the company’s letterhead, is often required when starting a new job.
The letter serves as official notice of the end of employment and confirms that the employee can join another organization. It also states that the employee agrees not to share confidential information for a time after leaving. A relieving letter is often necessary for employees moving to advance their careers or relocate abroad.
Importance of Relieving Letter
A release letter is crucial because it relieves employees of their responsibilities to the organization and acknowledges their intention to quit. Written proof of a corporation accepting an employee’s resignation can be helpful if either side wants to refer to the documents later. It formalizes the employee’s departure and proves the notice was accepted.
When a person accepts a new job offer, their new employer may want formal proof of their departure from the former position. The letter can demonstrate to the new employer that there were no problems with the employee’s departure and indicate that the employee is not loyal to their previous job.
Relieving Letter Format

When writing the letter, the following are to be considered as relieving letter format components:
The issuance date is the first section, which should be at the top of the page. The date can be essential information in the event of a dispute.
Employee Information
The employee information, including the name, classification, and department, appears directly below the date of issuance. This part also allows you to specify the name of your company.
This section provides a summary of the letter’s purpose.
The letter’s salutation begins with the recipient’s first name and a formal greeting.
Body Of The Letter
This section includes information on the employee’s resignation and the employer’s acceptance. It also specifies when the employee tendered his resignation and the last day of work.
Formality And Appreciation
In this clause, the employer guarantees that the employee will get the entire and final compensation after a specified time. The assurance is followed by appreciation and best wishes to the employee.
The letter concludes with a signature at the bottom left corner of the page.
The relieving letter format for employees and managers remains the same and uniform for the organization.
How Do You Write a Relieving Letter?
Address Your Letter
Addressing your letter helps maintain its credibility and formality. Select a paper that includes the company’s letterhead and business information. Write the employee’s name and any other identifying information you require, such as their full name, ID number, and address. Make sure to add the date and a subject line that explains the letter’s content. You can also use these pieces in a virtual letter or email.
Confirm Dates
Try incorporating the relevant dates surrounding the employee’s resignation in your letter. This includes the day the employee submitted the resignation letter and the last day of employment. This will ensure you have written a record for every date pertinent to their departure from the organization.
Appreciate The Employee For Their Services
Some employees present future employers with their letter as proof that they left their former position without incident. By thanking the employee for their service to the company, you demonstrate your appreciation for their work and certify that they completed the resignation formalities satisfactorily. If there were any complications with an employee’s resignation, such as a delayed receipt of equipment, make sure to document them elsewhere.
Formalize Final Details
Your letter may provide the final details of the employee’s last payment, payout, or settlement. Explain when they can expect to see the money and how they will get it. This allows the employee to arrange for their reimbursement and verifies your intention to satisfy the terms of their settlement.
Obtain An Authorized Signature
A company’s human resources department issues a letter to an employee. In these cases, have the HR manager sign the letter and retain a copy in the employee’s file. If an HR signature is unavailable, have someone authorized by the organization sign the letter, such as a senior manager or executive team member.
Deliver Your Letter
Deliver your letter to the employee on their last day of work. Make two copies of the letter: one for the employee and one to maintain in their file. Also, consider preserving a digital backup of the letter.
6 Best Relieving Letter Templates
1. Simple Employee Relieving Letter Format
[Company Letterhead]
To: (Name Of The Employee)
(Other Necessary Details)
Subject: Relieving Letter For (Job Post)
Dear (name of the employee),
This letter acknowledges receipt and acceptance of your resignation letter, dated (date). We have updated our records to reflect that your last day of employment is after the business day on (date). We truly appreciate the effort you made as (title).
We will send you your complete and final compensation via (payment option) within (number) days of your last day of employment. Again, we thank you for your service to (business name) and wish you the best of luck in your future efforts.
Manager or senior authority
2. Job Relieving Letter Format for Manager
[Company Letterhead]
To: (Full name of the employee), Manager
Other details
Subject: Relieving Letter
Dear (name of the employee),
This is to certify that your resignation as Manager at (Company’s Name), effective from (state the last working day), has been accepted.
We appreciate your effort and significant contribution to the organization over the last seven years. Throughout your time with us, you have constantly proved your expertise and energetic leadership characteristics, playing an essential role in (name the successful campaigns) and driving growth in our brand image and sales figures.
Your creative thinking, problem-solving mentality, and exceptional communication skills have helped the team succeed, and your dedication and work ethic have inspired many.
We understand that your departure will cause irreparable harm to our organization. However, we are convinced you will continue succeeding and shining like a bright star.
Please take note:
All outstanding balances, if any, will be settled within 20 days.
You are asked to return all business assets, including the laptop, Mac, and mobile phone, to the IT department by (specify the last working day).
Thank you again for your contribution to (Company Name). We wish you the best in the future.
Authorized signatory
3. Relieving Letter Email Format
To: (email ID of the employee)
CC/BCC: (if needed)
Subject: Relieving Letter For (Job Post)
Dear (name of the employee),
We would like to tell you that your employment with (Company Name) has been formally ended as of (Last Working Day date) after you submitted your resignation on (Resignation Submission Date).
From (Start Date) to (End Date), you faithfully carried out your responsibilities as a (Job Title/Designation). Your devotion and contributions to the (Department/Division) have been invaluable, and we recognize your significant influence.
This letter confirms that you have performed all your tasks and responsibilities to our satisfaction and that there are no outstanding obligations or dues. All company property, including (list of objects, if relevant), has been returned, and all financial obligations have been met.
We appreciate your hard work and dedication during your time with us. We wish you all the best in your future pursuits and are confident you will flourish in your next career.
For more information or verification, please contact our HR department at (HR Contact Information, phone number, email).
Yours sincerely,
Authorized signature
4. Sample of Relieving Letter to the Chartered Accountant (CA)
[Company logo]
To: (Mention The Full Name Of The Employee), Accountant
(Other Necessary Details)
Subject: Job Relieving Letter for Name Of The Employee
Dear (employee name),
This letter notifies you that your resignation from the position of Accountant at (Company Name) has been accepted and is effective (Last Working Day).
This letter indicates that you accomplished all your duties and obligations while working with us from (Start Date) to (End Date). We also confirm that you have paid all bills and returned all corporate property, including documentation, equipment, and access cards.
Your performance has been commendable throughout your stay, and you have made significant contributions to the Accounting Department, especially in (name any major initiatives, successes, or contributions). Your loyalty and hard effort were much appreciated.
We would like to confirm that (Company Name) has no issues with you pursuing work elsewhere. We are optimistic that you will flourish in your future pursuits and achieve tremendous success.
If you need additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department at (HR Email Address) or (HR Phone Number).
We appreciate your helpful efforts and wish you the best in your future endeavors.
With best regards,
For (company name)
(authorized personnel name)
(contact details)
(company seal)
5. Relieving Letter Template for the Post of Company Vice President
[Company logo]
To: (Mention The Full Name Of The Employee), Vice President
(other details)
Subject: Relieving Letter
Dear (Name of The President),
We acknowledge your resignation from the post of Vice President at (Company Name) effective (Joining Date) to (Last Working Date). This letter serves as a resignation letter and marks the end of your employment with our organization. We will issue your letter after careful consideration and the relevant paperwork.
We value your exceptional leadership, devotion, and long-term commitment to our firm. We are grateful for your valuable contribution to our growth. We wish you an incredible and fruitful journey ahead.
If you have any queries or need additional information, please contact us. We are looking forward to ensuring a smooth transition during this time.
Thank you for your effort and commitment to (Company Name), and we wish you the best of success.
Thank you for your time and attention.
With best regards,
(authorized signatory or head)
Company logo
6. Sample Requesting Relieving Letter To Managers
[Company logo]
Subject: Request for Relieving Letter
Dear (manager name),
I request that you send a letter of resignation for my employment from (Joining Date) to (Last Working Date) as (Employee’s Designation) at (Company Name). I have already sent you my resignation letter dated (Resignation Date).
I appreciate the opportunities and experiences I had during my tenure. I hope to receive the letter, which will be essential as I advance in my profession.
Please let me know if you have any strategies for the offboarding process. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Yours sincerely,
(Name of the employee)
Use factoHR Solutions’ templates to manage all employee letters in the organization. Our team of experts has curated perfect templates for all circumstances. To try our services, schedule a demo with us now!
Relieving Letter Sample and Examples
1. Sample of Simple Relieving Letter for Employee
[Company logo]
Date: 5 February, 2024
To: Neela Tripathi
Production Supervisor
Employee ID: PS-G8901
Contact: 8956422304
Subject: Relieving Letter Concerning Resignation Letter No.Rl-0421
Dear Neela Tripathi,
This letter acknowledges receipt and acceptance of your resignation letter no.RL-0421 dated 29 January 2024. We have updated our records to reflect that your last day of employment is after the business day on 9 February 2024. We truly appreciate the effort you made as production supervisor.
We will send you your complete and final compensation via RTGS within 15 days of your last day of employment. Again, we thank you for your service to Rocket Solar and wish you the best of luck in your future efforts.
Ravi Sharma
Production Manager
2. Relieving Letter Example for Chartered Accountant
Prime Finances
Date: 8 April, 2024
To: Shubham Metha
CA – Prime Finances
Contact: 8954678421
Subject: Relieving Letter for CA Shubham Metha
Dear Shubham,
This letter notifies you that your resignation from the position of Chartered Accountant at Prime Finances has been accepted and will become effective on 1 May 2024.
This letter indicates that you accomplished all your duties and obligations while working with us from 1 April 2019 to 1 May 2024. We also confirm that you have paid all bills and returned all corporate property, including documentation, equipment, and access cards.
Your performance throughout your stay has been commendable. You have made important contributions to the Accounting Department, especially in the Silverline pumps accounting project. Your loyalty and hard work were much appreciated.
We are confirming that Prime Finance is okay with you pursuing work elsewhere. We are optimistic that you will flourish in your future pursuits and achieve tremendous success.
If you need any additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department at or +91-98564-22361.
We appreciate your helpful efforts and wish you the best in your future endeavors.
With best regards,
For prime finance
Ashish Shah
(company seal)
3. Relieving Letter Format for Manager
Date: 5 September, 2022
To: Neha Kotak
Social Media Manager
Contact: 8745523146
Subject: Relieving Letter For Social Media Manager
Dear Neha,
This is to certify that your resignation as Manager at Popular Advertising, effective 12 September 2022, has been accepted.
We appreciate your effort and significant contribution to the organization over the last seven years. Throughout your time with us, you have constantly proved your expertise and energetic leadership characteristics, playing an essential role in the Real Beauty commercial campaign and driving growth in our brand image and sales figures.
Your creative thinking, problem-solving mentality, and exceptional communication skills have helped the team succeed, and your dedication and work ethic have inspired many.
We understand that your departure will cause irreparable harm to our organization. However, we are convinced you will continue succeeding and shining like a bright star.
Please take note:
All outstanding balances, if any, will be settled within 20 days.
Please return all business assets, including the laptop, Mac, and mobile phone, to the IT department by 9 September 2022.
Thank you again for your contribution to popular advertising. We wish you the best in the future.
Manav Mehra
HR Head
Authorized signatory
Tips For Drafting
Violation of Employment Contract
The employment contract typically specifies the mandatory notice period. Disregarding this term may be regarded as a breach of contract, allowing the employer to take legal action against the departing employee.
Legal Implications and Damages
Employers may sue employees for noncompliance. If the court rules in favor of the employer, the employee may be required to pay legal fees and damages.
Impact on Career
Leaving without notice can harm an employee’s professional reputation and limit future job opportunities, particularly in professions where adherence to legal and contractual duties is crucial.
Delayed or Withheld Letter
A formal document that confirms the employee’s departure may be postponed or withheld if the notice period still needs to be met. This document is essential for legal compliance and future job prospects.
Challenges in Joining New Organizations
Joining a new organization becomes easier with a valid letter because past employment and leave terms cannot be verified, potentially leading to legal and professional complications.
Add the Company’s Official Logos and Headers
the letter is not regarded as official unless it is on corporate letterhead at the top. So, if you write a letter, always utilize corporate letterhead. It grants the letter the necessary authority and holds the issuing organization accountable.
Add Complete Employee Details
Please use the full name of the employee as it appears on official documents like the Aadhaar card or PAN card. This will help avoid any questions in the future.
Employee Tenure
The letter should include the employee’s tenure and job at the organization. Furthermore, if the worker has held many roles, include each in the description.
Tone and Intent of Writing
It should have a straightforward, professional tone and wording. Furthermore, cursive typefaces will make it easier for everyone to read the letter, so refrain from using them. Therefore, the formatting must be tidy and precise. In addition, check the letter for spelling and grammatical problems.
Financial Penalties
Violations of the notice period may result in financial penalties as specified in the employment contract. These consequences could include giving up certain perks or compensating the employer.
Employees should prioritize transparent communication with HR and management regarding the legal requirements for employee relieving letters. Completing the notice period is critical to guaranteeing that legal requirements are completed, protecting one’s professional standing, and avoiding legal repercussions.
An employer must write a formal relieving letter responding to an employee’s request to leave the company. The letter must include all relevant information, such as the employee’s title and length of service. Thus, it is critical to understand the purpose of this letter and how to properly prepare one to allow for the lawful termination of people following their resignation.
To create and manage all the formal employee letters in the organization, use factoHR’s best templates created by our expert team. Try out a free demo with us now!
What Is the Difference Between a Relieving Letter and an Experience Letter?
The relieving letter acknowledges an employee’s resignation and specifies the last work day. An experience letter, also known as a service certificate, includes an employee’s name, designation, gross yearly income, date of hire, date of departure, and the type of experience they have. However, some organizations merely provide a letter of relief, which includes the service certificate data.
How to Get a Relieving Letter After Absconding?
In this case, the employee needs to request the letter. However, a dismissed employee receives this letter, but the cause for departing is clearly stated as termination.
Can an Employer Refuse a Relief Letter?
An employer may withhold relief letters due to an employee’s misconduct or other similar difficulties. However, the company should always send relief letters to departing employees.
Is a Relieving Letter Required?
Having this letter from your previous workplace is optional. While some organizations will not want this letter, others may refuse to hire you if you do not provide one. Organizations that need this letter seek to ensure that the individual is no longer employed by their previous company or that all formalities with the employer earlier have been completed.
How to Write a Mail for Relieving Letter?
The format of an email follows the same details as that of a normal letter. The difference is that email is an electronic form of sending mail, while white letters are physically posted. Check the template above for the email format.
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