Goa Labour Welfare Fund Goa Labour Welfare Fund

The Indian Government established Labour Welfare Funds across all states, including the Goa Labour Welfare Fund, to benefit the working class. These funds are social security arrangements financed by both employers and employees to support welfare-related activities. Each state has its own legislation to manage its specific Labour Welfare Fund.

This blog shall focus on the Goa, Diu, and Daman Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1986, hereafter referred to as the Act, which applies to the state of Goa. The Act provides for establishing the GLWF and indicates its objects, the administering body, and the activities to be undertaken.

This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the Goa Labour Welfare Fund, explaining its functions and benefits and the regulations that apply to employees and employers. Therefore, this will help readers easily understand how this all-important initiative works for the workers in the state of Goa.

Goa Labour Welfare Fund

The Goa Labour Welfare Fund was established under the Goa, Diu, and Daman Labour Welfare Fund Act 1986. Its primary purpose is to provide financial support exclusively for the welfare of workers in the state of Goa and ensure the collection of contributions as required under the Act.

It also utilizes the funds collected to undertake different welfare activities for the workers’ benefit. These welfare activities could cover an extensive range of activities to improve the general quality of life for the workers and their dependents.

The Goa Labour Welfare Fund is a type of social protection that caters to cash needs when the cash requirement exceeds the paid wages. In improving the well-being of workers, the Fund of Goa contributes to a more stable and productive workforce in Goa.

Goa Labour Welfare Fund Applicability

The Goa, Diu, and Daman LWF Act, 1986, applies to all state establishments and workers. However, the sources needed to indicate the Act’s commencement date. This may be ascertained by independent research on the Government of Goa’s website or any legal databases.

Goa Labour Welfare Fund Contributes

Employers and employees contribute to the Goa Labour Welfare Fund.


The Act makes it obligatory for employers in Goa to pay a certain percentage of their workers’ payments into the Fund. Of course, the exact contribution rate has to be ascertained through a study of the Act or a notification, if any, issued by the Government. Still, employers should bear these obligations in mind.


Employees also contribute to financing the Fund by placing a stated percentage of their earnings. As with the employer contribution rate, the exact percentage of employee contributions may be determined by the Act or official pronouncements. Government grants or advances: The sources you provided must specify whether GLWF includes any government grants or advances.

A few states in India do have provisions for government grants or advances to supplement the Labour Welfare Funds. Information on whether such a mechanism exists for the GLWF may be available through a closer look at the Act or government websites.

Activities Financed by the Goa LWF

The GLWF is applied in multipurpose ways, such as funding programs that tend to improve the lives of the workers and their families. Here is a headway into some categories of the activities majorly funded by GLWF:


Medical Camps

Goa Labour Welfare Fund can support the organization or sponsorship of medical camps, providing workers with free consultations, health screenings, and essential medications.

Reimbursement Schemes

The Fund could provide reimbursement schemes for medical costs incurred by employees or their dependents during hospitalization or for specific treatments.



GLWF can offer scholarships or other financial assistance to the workers’ children to support learning.

Skill Development Programs

The Fund can organize skill development or vocational training programs that help workers grow their employability and career advancement.


Housing Subsidy

The Goa Labour Welfare Fund could offer financial assistance to workers building houses, rent subsidies, or repair works on existing dwellings.

Hostel Facilities

In some cases, the Fund can provide some money to develop hostels or maintain them for workers.

Social Welfare and Recreation

Daycare Centre

GLWF could arrange to set up or run daycare centers to help working parents’ children fulfill their duties effectively.

Canteen Facilities

The Fund can help establish or subsidize canteens in workplaces, providing workers with access to clean, low-cost meals.

Sports and Cultural Activities

GLWF can organize or help organize sports and cultural tournaments, events, and activities to motivate the workers’ feelings of togetherness and well-being.

Administration of the Goa Labour Welfare Fund

The Goa Labour Welfare Fund (GLWF) is managed by a specified body, such as a board or committee constituted as may be prescribed by the Government of Goa. The pivotal role of this board is concerned with the smooth running and proper utilization of the Fund. However, a few essential roles and responsibilities are as follows:

Collection of Contributions

The authorized body establishes mechanisms for collecting employer and employee contributions as specified by the Act. This could involve developing guidelines and procedures for clearly remitting fund contributions.

Fund Disbursement

The body’s vital role is to evaluate and disburse funds collected through contributions. This mainly consists of a critical assessment of the proposals for welfare activities to ensure they meet the LWF’s objectives. The body is also responsible for managing financials.

Implementation Monitoring

Besides the financial management function, the body also monitors the implementation of various welfare activities funded by LWF. This would involve monitoring their progress, ensuring set guidelines have been adhered to, and reviewing the initiatives in terms of their effectiveness in achieving the anticipated outputs.

Efficient management of the Goa Labour Welfare Fund is vital for its implementation. The responsible authority plays a crucial role in ensuring that the funds collected are used wisely to have the most significant possible impact on enhancing worker well-being in Goa.

Recent Amendments to the Goa Labour Welfare Fund Act

The Goa Labour Welfare Fund (Amendment) Bill, 2024, is supposed to bring some amendments to the Goa, Daman, and Diu LWF Act, 1986, into effect. However, the substance of such amendments can only be found in the official bill document, which may be inaccessible, although a few supporting resources suggest hints at a new administrative framework.

One significant change that will be examined is the head of the board responsible for the administration of the GLWF, who has been appointed as the Secretary to the Government in the Labour Department. This would make communication and decision-making in fund administration much more accessible. Employers may find a more centralized contact point for inquiries or complaints regarding remittances or fund issues.

At this stage, there needs to be more clarity on employee impacts. However, this would be beneficial because funds allocated to designated welfare initiatives can be distributed more quickly once the administration becomes more efficient. This means that access to benefits for employees and their dependents, like scholarships or health programs, becomes more timely.

Clarity in administrative roles and responsibilities would benefit the Fund’s overall operation. This may further assist in improved and efficient contribution collection, better resource allocation, and better welfare program delivery to benefit Goa’s workforce.

It is also worth noting that the Amendment Bill is still under consideration. More research into the bill’s official document or more government updates will yield a deeper insight into the proposed changes and their likely consequences.

Compliance Requirements for Employers

Several important compliance aspects are discussed in the following paragraphs. It includes

Timely Contribution

Employers are to contribute an amount equal to some percentage of employees’ wages to Goa LWF. This contribution shall be deposited within the time limit stated in the Act or any other notification. The employer should know the due date and the exact percentage rate to prevent the penalty.

Record Keeping for Employees

The employer must keep an updated record of all employed individuals, including details relevant to LWF contributions. This information may be required during inspections or for validation by the fund authorities.


The Act may require employers to make periodic reports to the body designated to administer the Goa Labour Welfare Fund. Such reports may include information about employees’ wages and contributions or any other information the body may require for the proper administration of the Fund.

On top of the core requirements above, an employer may also have to do the following:

Show Information

To communicate this information to employees, employers may have to display information regarding the Goa LWF and their contribution liabilities at the workplace.

Facilitate Employee Contributions

The employer may be mandated to make the specified employee contribution by deducting it from wages, remitting it to the LWF within a specified time, and doing so promptly. Employers are encouraged to refer to the GLWF Act or consult with legal or HR professionals specializing in Indian labour law for a more comprehensive understanding of their specific obligations. This way, they are sure they have everything in place as the Act prescribes.

Frequency: Half Yearly

Date Of Deduction: 30 June and 31 December

Returns: 15 July and 15 January

Contribution Employee: ₹60

Employer: ₹180

Total: ₹240

Penalties of Noncompliance

The documents provided do not provide details of the penalty an employer would incur for noncompliance with the Goa LWF Act. However, the Act imposes fines or penalties for default in payment of late contributions, less-than-required contributions, or even wrong employee records.

Employers may face penalties, and in the worst cases, they might be imprisoned. To determine the exact implications of non-compliance, employers may want to refer to the Act directly or consult their legal advisor.


Another milestone toward labour welfare is the Goa Labour Welfare Fund (GLWF). Pooling the contributions helps channel them to different welfare activities that need them. The Fund facilitates workers’ and their families’ improved health, education, housing, and leisure lives.

The employer is an essential ingredient in the success of Goa LWF. By following his obligation of compliance regarding timely contributions and adherence to the Act’s regulations, the employer ensures fund flow and more productivity and satisfaction in the labour force within Goa.

Employers who have found their role in this social safety net can invest well in the well-being of their employees by bringing positive work environments and raising dignity toward labour through contributions to the overall development of the Goa economy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Goa Labour Welfare Fund?

Goa LWF is a social security scheme that works for the welfare of workers through contributions by employers and employees alike. These contributions have been mandated under the Goa, Diu, and Daman LWF Act 1986. The board collects these contributions and utilizes them to undertake and implement various welfare activities for the workers in the state of Goa. These include healthcare programs, scholarships, housing assistance, and recreational facilities.

Who Benefits From the Goa LWF?

The primary beneficiaries are the Goa workers and their respective families. They can benefit from healthcare, education of children with scholarships, and housing. LWF also leads to a more stable workforce.

What is the Employer’s Responsibility Under the LWF?

Employers must remit an amount equal to a specified percentage of their employees’ salary into the LWF. They may also be required to keep updated records of their employees and possibly report to the Labour Welfare Fund administration. They may also be called upon to display information on the LWF and help with aspects of employee contributions.

What if the Employers Do Not Adhere to the Act?

Although the sources we looked at did not specify the exact type of penalties, the Act likely provides fines or even imprisonment in severe cases of noncompliance. It may pertain to not making timely contributions, not maintaining good employee records, or not facilitating employee contributions.

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