Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Punjab Labour Welfare Fund

The Punjab Labour Welfare Fund, established in 1965, reflects the Punjab Government’s foresight. It offers financial protection and social security to those earning their livelihood. The fund provides several benefits and facilities for life, health, or general purposes.

The PLWF is not just a financial fund. It is important to encourage social upliftment for workers as well. The scheme offers significant benefits, including a range of services and amenities. These benefits cover substantial areas such as healthcare, education, and housing, enabling workers to lead a life of dignity.

This blog provides details of the employer’s contribution to the Fund and the applicable regulations. HR professionals and employers must collaborate to implement these regulations effectively.

Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Act

The Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Act 1965 is the legislation which provided the legal background to this scheme called the PLW fund. The Act settles how the fund shall be utilized, as well as its objectives, outcomes, and arrangements. It ensures the proper collection, expenditure, and distribution of funds to eligible laborers.

The PLWF primarily targets low-income workers employed in various sectors across Punjab. By providing financial assistance and social benefits, the fund empowers these workers to overcome economic hardships and improve their overall quality of life.

Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Applicability

The applicability of the PLW Fund Act is determined by the number of employees in an establishment. Here’s how it breaks down:

Eligible Establishments

The Act applies to establishments with 20 or more employees, including factories, specific societies, and trusts.

Exempted Establishments

Certain categories of establishments, such as educational institutions, government departments, and agricultural establishments, may have an exemption from contribution to the PLW Fund. Such exemptions are normally available as per the provisions contained in the Act, for which an employer will have to contact the relevant authorities or a Labor Law expert to see their applicability to the scheme of the PLW Fund.

Eligibility for Benefits

This section discusses the eligibility criteria workers must fulfill to qualify for the benefits offered under the PLW Fund scheme. Requirements usually include the years the person has worked for the concerned establishment. Registration, in particular, has the advantages of including workers in the official system and reducing the number of procedures to accomplish.

In this case, one must follow formal procedures for writing an application to the appropriate authorities to request assistance. Further information about the specific application procedures and document requirements can be found on the Punjab Labour Department’s official website.

Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Rules

The Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1966, govern several aspects of the Board. These rules outline the payment procedures, the conduct of Board meetings, the Board’s budget, additional expenditures, the maintenance of accounts, and auditing, among other things.

  • Payment procedures establish the methods and timelines for making contributions to the Fund.
  • Board meetings detail the frequency and procedures for conducting meetings.
  • Financial management outlines preparing the Board’s budget, handling additional expenditures, and maintaining accounts.
  • Auditing and compliance mandate regular audits and inspections to ensure the proper use of funds and adherence to regulations.

Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Contribution

The act’s applicability depends on a company’s number of employees. Establishments with 20 or more employees, including factories, specific societies, and trusts, must contribute to the fund.

The employers and employees working in the establishments covered under the Act must contribute to the Fund every month. They must contribute contribute towards the fund within the last date of that month, and the returns are filed half-yearly on 15th April and 15th October.


Employee: ₹5

Employer: ₹20

Total: ₹25

It’s important to note that specific categories of establishments may be exempt from contributing to the PLW Fund. These exemptions are typically specified in the Act and may include educational institutions, government departments, and agricultural establishments. Employers should consult relevant authorities or a labor law expert to determine their applicability to the PLWF scheme.

Administration of the Punjab LWF

The management of the PLWF depends mainly on the Punjab Labour Welfare Board. As for this board, it is tasked to address the prudent handling of the funds and its proper disbursement for those qualified employees’ benefits.

The Board usually includes representatives of diverse groups of people. These groups would consist of government representatives, employers, and employees through their organizations, like labor unions. This structure of organizing the fund assures a balanced approach regarding decision-making and transparency in managing the fund’s operations.

The primary responsibility for collecting contributions among the people of the Punjab state rests with the Punjab Labour Department regarding the PLW Fund. Employers are supposed to remit to the authority their share of the contributions accompanied by the employee’s contribution, which has been deducted from their salary. They are later directed to the PLWF, wherein they are disbursed to cater to different welfare programs.

Benefits Provided By the Punjab Labour Welfare Fund

The Punjab Labour Welfare Fund provides several facilities to registered workers. These benefits extend to their family members in times of need. These include a range of aspects of life affecting the well-being of the workers and their dependents.

Educational Support

The above explanation of the PLWF clarifies that it acknowledges education’s role. For instance, it offers school fees to the children of registered workers. This support ensures that they can continue their education to escape a career prone to poverty. This can help significantly reduce the family’s dependency on the worker’s salary and motivate their children to continue their studies.

Medical Benefits

The PLWF provides important medical options for workers and their dependents. These may range from cash to cover bills for hospitalization, surgery, or specific treatments. By financing health-related needs, the fund ensures that the workers’ families receive appropriate treatment without suffering from costs.

Housing Loans and Other Schemes

The PLW Fund provides housing loan schemes for acquiring or constructing houses. This is a valuable advantage since it can change workers’ lives, letting them build stable lives for themselves and their families. Other types of loans, like education loans or loans for self-employment opportunities, may also be available in the facilities of the given fund.

Marriage Grants and Maternity Benefits

The PLW Fund appreciates meaningful events in one’s life. When there is some occasion in the workers’ lives, marriage grants for workers’ daughters are offered to help financially. Likewise, the maternity benefits provided to working women can address their pivotal problem. These benefits help alleviate the financial burdens associated with childbirth and childcare.

Process of Application for Benefits

To access the benefits provided by the Fund, eligible workers must follow a formal application process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Eligibility Check

Workers should first verify their eligibility based on the years worked in the concerned establishment.


Workers must be registered with the Punjab Labour Department to be eligible for benefits. Registration helps streamline the application process and includes workers in the official system.

Application Submission

Workers must submit a formal application to the concerned authorities by specifying their demand for assistance clearly. Supporting documents are supposed to be attached with regard to employment proof and salary slips, among others.

Document Verification

The authorities will verify the submitted documents and evaluate the application to determine if the worker qualifies for the requested benefits.

Approval and Disbursement

Once approved, the funds are disbursed to the worker, either directly or through the employer, depending on the nature of the benefit.


The Punjab Labour Welfare Fund benefits low-income workers by lessening their financial burden. Various schemes included in the PLW Fund improve their quality of life. The PLW Fund’s contribution extends beyond financial security. It fosters social upliftment by supporting education, healthcare, and housing needs. This support paves the way for a brighter future for workers and their families.


What Is the Punjab Labour Welfare Fund?

Punjab Labour Welfare Fund is a fund set up by the government to provide financial and social security for workers. It caters to their welfare through health, education, and housing programs that are in place to improve their living standards.

Who Is Eligible to Contribute to the PLWF?

Employers with 20 or more workers in establishments like factories, specific societies, and trusts must contribute. Employees working in these establishments also give a smaller portion of their earnings.

What Are the Consequences of Non-compliance With the PLW Fund Contributions?

Non-compliance with the contribution requirements attracts penalties and legal action under the PLW Fund Act. Employers are advised to take necessary steps to ensure timely and correct contributions to avoid such issues.

Where Can an Employer Find More Information About the PLW Fund?

Employers should consult the Punjab Labour Department’s official website or contact relevant authorities for detailed information about the PLWF.

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