Sandwich Leave Policy

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Different organizations take various approaches to leave management. These include unlimited paid time off and policies for sandwich leaves. One main reason organizations implement a sandwich leave policy is that employees do not plan long weekends. This policy reduces absenteeism and increases productivity.

Certain employees often work extended hours and take time off weekly or monthly. They often utilize leaves between paid holidays to maximize their overall time off. Managing the leave system can be challenging in any organization with a significant workforce. Additionally, various policies complicate how employees keep track of these regulations.

One such policy is the sandwich policy, which can be among the most confusing for employees. This section will explain the sandwich leave policy’s advantages and drawbacks. To create a sandwich policy for your organization, you can download our well-structured sandwich leave policy template in PDF form.

What is a Sandwich Leave Policy?

A sandwich leave policy limits employees from taking leave between two planned or national holidays. According to Indian labor laws, a sandwich refers to one or more leaves between two public, national, or paid holidays.

Let us take an example to understand the concept of sandwich leaves more better. Assume that there is a public holiday on Friday. One of your employees has applied for leave on Thursday and Monday. This means the employee has 5 days off work, including the weekend. At the cost of 2 applied leaves, he/she gets 5 days of vacation. You can prevent this by implementing a sandwich policy wherein even though the employee has applied for leave of absence for 2 days, 5 leaves will be deducted from his/her annual leave balance.

The sandwich leave policy was first introduced in manufacturing industries whose productivity depended on the total working hours they worked every day. So whenever workers took more days off, it resulted in less productivity. This is why managers introduced the sandwich leave policy to maintain efficiency and productivity.

In this Policy, you will be able to understand

  • Sandwich Leave policy definition
  • Purpose of the policy
  • Guidelines/rules of the policy
  • Disciplinary measures on breach of policy

Sandwich Leave Policy Template

Implementing a sandwich leave policy in the organization is essential as it has many benefits. One such benefit is reducing the high rate of absenteeism. Please check out our ready-to-use template below to help you implement this policy effectively.

“Name of the company” will allow its employees to take leaves at regular periods. But, this does not mean employees take advantage of the leave structure by combining regular weekdays with holidays. This is why “Name of the company” has implemented the sandwich leave policy, which will restrict high absenteeism around the holidays.


When an employee takes time off before and after a weekend or holiday to extend their leave, the organization will consider those weekend/holiday days as a part of the individual’s leave. This total period of leave is called sandwich leave.


All confirmed employees are eligible for sandwich leaves. The policy covers all regular and confirmed employees, but trainees or employees on probation can only take sick leave. The leave year runs from 1 January to 31 December.


Organizations use this policy to restrict employees from taking longer days off and prevent absenteeism in the workplace. This policy can be implemented in the workplace after discussing it with the employees. If a company does not inform employees when they join or before policy implementation, it will negatively affect its employer branding.


First Case

When an employee takes leave for a whole day before and after a holiday or week off, it is considered sandwich leave. Accordingly, the individual’s salary will be deducted.

Second Case

In this case, an employee takes a leave for a full day before the week-off/holiday and subsequently takes another half-day leave after the week-off/holiday. The holiday/week-off will be considered the sandwich leaves, and based on that, the employee’s leave balance will be deducted. This will be the same if the situation is vice-versa (i.e., half-day leave taken before and a full day after a week off/holiday).


According to the policy, if an employee takes leave before and after a holiday, both the leave and the holiday will be considered part of their leave entitlement.

To Sum up

A sandwich policy may seem unfair to employees, as it can seize an extra part of their salary. However, the organization will maintain a strict policy prohibiting employees from taking unnecessary leaves. Ultimately, implementing a sandwich leave policy can enhance employee productivity.

Key Elements of the Sandwich Leave Policy


Sandwich leave is an employee’s absence between public or national holidays. An organization introduces a sandwich leave policy to increase operational productivity and reduce absenteeism.


Employees are eligible for the sandwich leave policy and should be informed about it. Employees can negotiate with HR for clarification if the policy is not stated in their contract. If disputes arise, they can seek legal advice.


There are no specific rules and regulations to sandwich leave policy in India. According to government labor laws and policies, employees can avail of a minimum of 15 days of paid leave annually or 1.5 days for every 20 days of work. Except for this, nothing is mentioned in the paid leave details by the government and in their policy.

Companies can implement and arrange the policy individually to prevent long leaves and employee absenteeism. The leave policies are different state-wise. The companies need to know the laws and compliance of each state and then introduce the sandwich leave policy.


Implementing a sandwich leave policy involves various steps. This ensures effectiveness and acceptance within an organization.

Policy Development

Clearly define the policy and its related process to the employees in the employee handbook. This also includes eligibility criteria and the procedure for requesting and approving the leave.


Establish clear formal communication channels, such as emails and a leave management system, to ensure everyone is informed.

Approval Process

A structured approval procedure allows managers to approve leave requests based on workloads and team dynamics. This helps prevent disruptions and ensures the proper number of staff during employee absences.

Planning and Preparation

Encourage employees to plan their leaves and consider their workload. This planning and preparation will maintain continuity on the ongoing projects.

Monitoring and Feedback

Monitor the Policy’s Impact on Productivity and Employee Morale Regularly. Ensure Timely Feedback from all Employees and Identify Areas for Improvement.

Drawbacks of a Sandwich Rule Policy

Reduced Flexibility

A sandwich leave policy limits employees’ ability to manage their time off, making it difficult and less attractive for current and newly hired employees. Employees cannot manage their personal needs and preferences because these personal matters do not align with the leave policy.

Impact on Work-life Balance

As the policy reduces flexibility to take longer breaks, this can demotivate employees. This also leads to stress accumulation and reduced overall well-being. If this is the case, employees would take leaves only for major events and avoid taking rest and time off. Employees with decreased work-life balance will also lead to reduced productivity.

Administrative Challenges

The sandwich leave policy is a bit complicated to understand and calculate. This will increase the administrative work of HR professionals as it includes complex calculations and explains the same to employees. This might lead to miscommunication and distract resources to resolve the disputes.

Erosion of Trust

When the policy is incorrectly used, it can lead to distrust between employers and employees. The sandwich leave policy can also lead to a lack of trust, as employees think it is ethically demeaning. The policy reflects a command-based leadership culture that can damage the employer-employee relationship.

Benefits of a Sandwich Leave Policy for Businesses

Promoting Fairness

This policy ensures that all the employees use their leave balances in a way that aligns with the company’s policy. There is a fair usage of leave balances, which will prevent the misuse of holidays and national leaves.

Minimizing Disruptions

Employees who plan to leave on weekends and holidays can disrupt workflow and productivity. Implementing the sandwich leave policy can prevent long breaks and lead to consistent operational efficiency.

Preserving Historical Relevance

Preserving the sandwich leave policy’s historical relevance enhances efficiency and maintains productivity. The policy was introduced to reduce absenteeism in industrial areas and is now practiced in many organizations. Companies can maintain a positive workplace culture by promoting work-life balance and employee well-being.

How to Manage Sandwich Leave Policy for Employees?

Develop Clear Policies

It is essential to create and communicate the right sandwich policy. The policy should be clearly defined in the policy document or employee handbook. The employees should be aware of the eligibility criteria, including the duration of leaves and the request or approval process.

Streamline Communication

One main objective of communication is to provide information on how to apply for sandwich leave. Organizations that communicate about the application process and necessary assistance through emails and meetings can streamline communication.

Maintain Accurate Documentation

Due to the complexity of the sandwich leave policy, employers sometimes find it challenging to determine who is taking sandwich leaves and who is not. Proper documentation of leave requests and approvals can maintain transparency. This documentation can also be used for future reference as and when required.

Define Clear Authority

Acknowledging employees’ authority to handle leave requests helps maintain transparency between employees and employers. This can be practiced before integrating the sandwich leave policy into the organization. Managers must be informed about tracking and monitoring the policy to manage the workforce efficiently.

Regularly Review and Update

The rules and regulations are constantly changing. For this reason, it is necessary to review the policy monthly or quarterly. This ensures that the policy adapts to changing conditions, and with this, the organization does. Regularly reviewing and updating the policies helps you stay legally compliant.


Streamline leave management today with a well-structured sandwich leave policy can change any organization’s approach to manage their employees. This is mainly around weekends and holidays to reduce absenteeism. With the implementation of the policy, productivity can be enhanced, and transparency can promote a culture of fairness. Download our free, customizable template today to integrate this leave policy into your leave management module.

Sandwich Leave Policy FAQs

Is a Sandwich Leave Policy Legal?

In many countries, there are no specific sandwich leave policy laws. This means that organizations can decide whether to implement the policy. To avoid confusion, communicate the policy clearly to the employees.

How Can I Know if My Company has this Policy?

One of the best and easiest ways to find out if any company has a sandwich leave policy is to check the employee handbook or directly inquire in the HR department.

What are some Alternatives to this Policy?

Some organizations offer blackout periods during the holidays when employees cannot take leave. Other organizations discourage employees from taking leave around the holidays.

How Can I Avoid Having My Leave Request Impacted by this Policy?

It is essential to know if your company follows the sandwich policy rules. If yes, plan your leave days that the policy does not affect. For example, if Tuesday is a holiday, can you request leave for Wednesday and Thursday instead of Monday and Tuesday?

Is It Okay to Negotiate a Leave Request that this Policy Might Impact?

Sometimes, you can negotiate a leave request that would have typically been affected by this policy. This ultimately depends on the company’s culture.


This policy template provides general guidelines and should be used only as a reference. It is not a legal document, and factoHR will not assume any legal liability that may arise from using it.

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