Minimum Wages in Rajasthan

Minimum Wages in Rajasthan

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The State Government of Rajasthan has officially revised the minimum wages in Rajasthan for 2024. As a result of the latest update, employees working in various categories in Rajasthan will get fair compensation. The unskilled employees will get a minimum wage rate of Rs. 7,410 per month, while the highly skilled laborers will get a minimum wage rate of Rs. 9,334 per month.

In this article, we will look at the Rajasthan minimum wages. We will also examine the detailed salary structure of each class of workers.

Understanding Minimum Wage for Rajasthan

Let us take a quick look at the minimum wage in Rajasthan for the year 2024 for each class of workers in Rajasthan.

Sr No. Class of Employment Minimum Wages Per Day Minimum Wages Per Month
1 Unskilled ₹285 ₹7,410
2 Semi Skilled ₹297 ₹7,722
3 Skilled ₹309 ₹8,034
4 Highly Skilled ₹359 ₹9,334

One can calculate the salary based on the above minimum wage in Rajasthan depending upon the employee category.

Salary Calculations for Minimum Wages in Rajasthan of Unskilled Employees

CTC ₹6,00,000
Minimum Wages ₹7,410
Basic Salary Structure
Sr No. Components Formula
1 Allowance Basic + DA ₹25,000
HRA ₹12,500
LTA ₹1,250
SP ₹11,250
Gross Salary ₹50,000
2 Ad-hoc Allowance Monthly Bonus ₹4,150
3 Contribution Employee PF ₹1,800
Employee ESI ₹0
LWF Employee ₹3
4 Deduction Employee PF ₹1,800
Employee ESI ₹0
LWF Employee ₹15
PF Admin Charge ₹150
PT ₹150
Salary in Hand ₹46,082
Copy this BASIC + DA value to perform the Salary Structure Calculation
Calculated Basic + DA ₹25,000

Salary Calculations for Minimum Wages in Rajasthan of Semi Skilled Employees

CTC ₹6,00,000
Minimum Wages ₹7,722
Basic Salary Structure
Sr No. Components Formula
1 Allowance Basic + DA ₹25,000
HRA ₹12,500
LTA ₹1,250
SP ₹11,250
Gross Salary ₹50,000
2 Ad-hoc Allowance Monthly Bonus ₹4,150
3 Contribution Employee PF ₹1,800
Employee ESI ₹0
LWF Employee ₹3
4 Deduction Employee PF ₹1,800
Employee ESI ₹0
LWF Employee ₹15
PF Admin Charge ₹150
PT ₹150
Salary in Hand ₹46,082
Copy this BASIC + DA value to perform the Salary Structure Calculation
Calculated Basic + DA ₹25,000

Salary Calculations for Minimum Wages in Rajasthan of Skilled Employees

CTC ₹6,00,000
Minimum Wages ₹8,034
Basic Salary Structure
Sr No. Components Formula
1 Allowance Basic + DA ₹25,000
HRA ₹12,500
LTA ₹1,250
SP ₹11,250
Gross Salary ₹50,000
2 Ad-hoc Allowance Monthly Bonus ₹4,150
3 Contribution Employee PF ₹1,800
Employee ESI ₹0
LWF Employee ₹3
4 Deduction Employee PF ₹1,800
Employee ESI ₹0
LWF Employee ₹15
PF Admin Charge ₹150
PT ₹150
Salary in Hand ₹46,082
Copy this BASIC + DA value to perform the Salary Structure Calculation
Calculated Basic + DA ₹25,000

Salary Calculations for Minimum Wages in Rajasthan of Highly Skilled Employees

CTC ₹6,00,000
Minimum Wages ₹9,334
Basic Salary Structure
Sr No. Components Formula
1 Allowance Basic + DA ₹25,000
HRA ₹12,500
LTA ₹1,250
SP ₹11,250
Gross Salary ₹50,000
2 Ad-hoc Allowance Monthly Bonus ₹4,150
3 Contribution Employee PF ₹1,800
Employee ESI ₹0
LWF Employee ₹3
4 Deduction Employee PF ₹1,800
Employee ESI ₹0
LWF Employee ₹15
PF Admin Charge ₹150
PT ₹150
Salary in Hand ₹46,082
Copy this BASIC + DA value to perform the Salary Structure Calculation
Calculated Basic + DA ₹25,000



The revision of minimum wages in Rajasthan is designed to guarantee equitable compensation to the workers working in the state. It’s essential for employers to comprehend and apply these state-mandated wage rates accurately when calculating employee salaries.

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