Probationary Arrangement

A probationary arrangement is a contract or agreement between an employer and an employee in which the employee accepts to serve during a trial period or probation. A probationary agreement can be established with a new hire or a current employee whose performance needs reassessment.

This lets you and the employee determine whether the role and company fit suitably. In this article, you will learn more about what is probationary and other details about it.

What is a Probationary Arrangement?

In the probationary agreement, employees and employers sign a contract where the employee agrees to work for a limited time or probationary period. The probationary period typically lasts three to six months. However, per the Industrial Employment Act 1946, the probationary agreement can sometimes be up to 4 months only.

When both the employer and the employees are content, the employee is moved from probation to a permanent position. The decision about ending probation is based on the employee's performance, demeanor, abilities, ethical standards, and rate of development.

If both parties remain satisfied with the employment conditions after the probationary period has expired, the employee is often released from probation. It is also known as a probationary contract.

Probationary arrangements enable management and employees to immediately cancel the arrangement if the job does not go as expected. Employers use the probationary period to evaluate a staff member's performance and talents and determine if he or she adheres to the business culture. Employees use this time to decide if they enjoy working for the organisation.

It's also an excellent option for organisations to use for employees whose performance has been poor or who have engaged in misconduct. All the employees will be able to grow, and employers won't be forced to terminate employees.

Importance of Probationary Arrangement

Probationary arrangements enable management and staff to terminate the relationship immediately if the employee does not perform as expected.

Employers utilise the probationary period to analyze a staff member's performance and talents; it is about whether or not he or she fits into the company's culture. Employees use this time to assess if they are comfortable working for the organisation.

It's also an excellent option for organisations to use for employees whose work output has been low or who have engaged in misconduct. Employees will be able to improve, and corporations will likely avoid laying off employees.

What are the significant Benefits of a Probationary Arrangement?

The following are the significant advantages of a probationary contract

  • An easy way to end contracts: The contract is an interim agreement that the employee or employer can cancel as needed. If a recruit joins the team, a probationary agreement permits them to leave without any other formalities if they decide it is not a suitable fit.
  • Probationary periods allow you to assess how well an employee fits the company culture. Matching the corporate culture is vital since you want all the staff to feel like they're working well together. Probationary periods also allow you to evaluate how well an employee communicates with other team members.
  • An approach to providing employees with the opportunity to improve themselves: Employees on probation owing to disciplinary actions or to work in a senior-level capacity benefit greatly from probationary arrangements, which allow them to enhance their performance and demonstrate their suitability for the post and firm.

Which organizations need Probationary Agreements?

The probationary contract is essential for new employees unfamiliar with the company's policies and processes. During the probationary term, the new employee has the opportunity to learn about the company's culture and the specific responsibilities of the job.

The probationary term also allows the employer to assess the new employee's abilities and job performance. If the new employee fails to satisfy the firm's expectations, the organisation can cancel the employment agreement.

When can an organization consider using the Probationary Contract?

Starting a New Position

Employers frequently recruit new employees to try out their roles and see how they perform. This is also an excellent opportunity for the employee to assess their satisfaction with the organization and its employees. If either side decides they are not a good fit, they can quickly terminate the agreement and pursue other options.

Facing Disciplinary Proceedings

If an employee frequently performs poorly or is disciplined for wrongdoing, a company can place them on probation. This is where companies need to track employee performance in practical ways. Before returning the employee to full-time status, they will evaluate their work and behaviour for a set time to verify they satisfy the organization's goals and standards.

Changing Jobs Within the Organisation

When you think an employee would be a good fit for an alternate position in the firm, consider forming a probationary agreement to observe their performance in the new role. If you or the employee are dissatisfied with their work performance or the job, return them to their previous position or urge them to seek other alternatives.

Getting a higher-level Position Within the Organisation

Employees promoted or assigned to a supervisory job may be subjected to a probationary period to assess their ability to manage staff members and perform at a higher level. This can also be called internal recruitment. If they cannot successfully manage the obligations within that time limit, you can return them to their previous job and provide more training until they are ready to try on the role again.

The Process of Forming Probationary Agreements

This subject has no standard solution because the optimum approach to structure probationary arrangements will differ depending on the circumstances. However, some suggestions on how to create a probationary agreement include

  • Set clear goals and targets for the probation period.
  • Discuss these demands and objectives with the employee.
  • Closely monitor the employee's progress throughout the probationary period.
  • Take necessary steps if the employee fails to satisfy the requirements or goals specified for the probation period.
  • Review it with the employee at the end of the probationary period to determine its success.


Probationary arrangements benefit both companies and employees. Companies can also learn the key metrics for better organizational management. They allow businesses to evaluate an employee's capacity to meet job criteria and determine whether the individual is a good match for the organisation. They also allow employees to determine whether the job suits them and learn about the employer's expectations.

A probationary contract may reduce the number of employees who quit within the initial few weeks. They can also help identify issues that may need to be resolved before an employee is employed permanently.

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What is the literal meaning of the probationary process?

A probation period consists of a trial period of work in which a person is employed if they complete their probation. They are most commonly utilized with new hires and differ in length from one to six months.

What is the meaning of a probationary employment agreement?

A probationary contract of employment is a document that specifies the terms of a new employee's initial employment period. It usually specifies the privileges, responsibilities, and rights of both the employer and the employee throughout the probationary period.

Is the probation period paid?

Yes, employees are compensated for their hard work throughout the probationary term. Depending on the firm, they may not receive the same perks and benefits as regular full-time employees until their probationary period ends.

What are some of the conditions of probation?

Probation conditions are mainly determined by the organisation and its specific policies. Typically, during a probation period, an employee's contract can be terminated at any time, and, depending on the company's standards, they do not receive full benefits and perks until the period ends.

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