Confirmation Letter | Format and Sample

confirmation letter

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What is a Confirmation Letter?

An official letter offered to a new employee confirming the employment upon completing the probation period, which varies from 3-6 months, is called a confirmation letter. A job confirmation letter is an official letter offered to a new employee confirming employment upon completing the probation period, which varies from 3-6 months. The letter claims the confirmation of the candidate as a permanent employee of the particular organization. The employee is evaluated as a right fit for the organization based on the probation clauses mentioned in the appointment letter. Now let’s understand how to write it, along with the confirmation letter format and sample.

How to write a Confirmation Letter?

There are certain things you should know before creating an employee confirmation letter format:

  • The letter should start with a header, containing the contact information of your company and the recipient.
  • The intention of the letter should be explained at the beginning of the letter.
  • Include all the relevant information, such as responsibilities, benefits, and compensation.
  • If any documents are attached, describe them and explain what the receiver has to do with them.
  • At the end of the letter, add a supportive statement and message toward the conclusion.

Confirmation Letter Format

confirmation letter format

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is a confirmation letter necessary?

A confirmation letter is one of the most important documents for any organization. The employees wait throughout the probationary period for the job. This letter makes the employees feel secure and confident about finally being confirmed as part-time or full-time employee of the organization.

What are the must-have components of the confirmation letter?

The must-have components is:

  • Joining date of the employee
  • Salary of the employee
  • Employees’ name and address
  • Confirmation date for the job
  • Details regarding the employee benefits
  • Designation of the employee
  • Job description and the vital terms and conditions

When is the confirmation letter sent, and who gives it?

An employee confirmation letter is generally sent when the candidate accepts the job offer and completes the probation period based on the terms and conditions of the company. Then, HR gives the official letter of confirmation to the employee.

What is a salary confirmation letter?

The salary confirmation letter is a document that declares the salary breakdown of the employees based on the mutually agreed declaration between the employee and the employer.

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