Absolute Ratings

What is Absolute Ratings?

Absolute rating is a method used for determining the employee’s performance on a predetermined fixed scale. During this method, every employee is evaluated exclusively. The performance of employee is assessed on an individual basis rather than comparing it with other coworkers. The scale rates generally from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates the lowest point and 5 is the highest.

For example, The organization analyzed the performance of employees.

  • Parameters were quality of work, creativity, and customer feedback that has to be rated from 1(lowest) to 5(highest).
  • All the employees are rated on these parameters individually.
  • Some of the employees' work quality was great, while others were high on creativity, but the customer feedback was not satisfactory.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are absolute ratings measured?

Absolute ratings are tools used to measure employee performance. The scale to measure employee performance is generally from 1 to 5 wherein the lowest rating is 1 and the highest rating being 5. In addition, absolute rating is not the employees based on the team but it is the performance of the employees on the individual level.

What are the different types of absolute ratings?

The following appraisal techniques can be calculated under absolute ratings;

  • Essay appraisals
  • Critical incident
  • Checklist appraisal
  • Forced choice appraisal
  • Graphic rating scales
  • BARS(Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales)

What is the difference between absolute ratings and relative ranking performance?

Relative ranking performance is calculated on the basis of comparison with the best performer in a particular team. Meanwhile, the absolute ratings are the individual performance of the employees.

What are the benefits of absolute ratings?

Absolute ratings have the following benefits;

  • Accuracy and the objectivity increases
  • Gives a proper clarity and consistency among the employees
  • Employees can be compared and analyzed easily
  • Gives flexibility among the workforce

What are the disadvantages of absolute ratings?

Absolute rating is a time consuming method for the companies with larger numbers of employees. Some of the ratings may be biased on the basis of the employees which may cause partiality.

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